O ICOM Belgium organiza nos dias 24 e 25 de Novembro a conferência (More) Acessible Museums:
The accessibility of museums to disabled people has become a recurring subject among professionals in recent years. Whether it has something to do with the accessibility to buildings or the content itself of an exhibition or a permanent room, questions are numerous. How can an exhibition be made understandable for people with bad vision? What are the expectations of the disabled audience? How can accessibility and architectural restrictions of buildings be united? How can things be vulgarised without becoming superficial? How can interesting tools be offered to mentally disabled people? How can a strict budgetary policy be combined with arrangements specifically developed for a minority audience?
Due to these questions from the museum world and from representatives of disabled people, the national Belgian committee of the ICOM will organize a colloquium for exchanging experiences in Europe in this matter on November 24 and 25 2011.
Info: http://www.repere.be/accessiblemuseums/
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