De 3 a 5 de Junho decorreu no MSFT - Software para Microcomputadores, Lda., Taguspark, Lisboa, o DSAI 2009 - International Conference on Software Development for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion.
O DSAI 2009 teve como principal objectivo contribuir para as Iniciativas Europeias de e-Inclusão, de modo a promover um amplo debate sobre as novas tendências, novas tecnologias e novos suportes projectados para pessoas com necessidades especiais.
Para além disto, esta Conferência Internacional pretendeu contribuir para a criação de sinergias entre entidades públicas e privadas, nomeadamente entre Universidades e empresas.
O comité científico do DSAI 2009 foi formado por investigadores da Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto e de outras Universidades portuguesas e estrangeiras.

After a successful start with DSAI 2006 and 2007 editions, the International Conference on Software Development for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion (DSAI 2009) will take place in June 2009, at the MSFT - Software para Microcomputadores, Lda. - TAGUSPARK - Lisboa - PORTUGAL. Nowadays, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) play a major role in our lives. However, ICT development which is indifferent to the concerns of social inclusion may raise barriers and increase the gap between the average user and those with special needs, instead of contributing to eliminating this gap and promoting equal rights and opportunities for all. Senior citizens and others with special needs are often faced with multiple minor disabilities that prevent them from enjoying the benefits of technology and higher quality of life standards. According to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, technology design should take into account accessibility and usability features for the protection and promotion of the human rights of persons with disabilities, in all policies and programmes.
Building an inclusive society is a key pillar of the i2010 strategy - a European Information Society for growth and jobs. Among many other measures, i2010 targets a European eInclusion initiative for 2008-2009. To achieve this goal there are some actions running, namely:
•EU's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) for Research and Technological Development will fund research across Europe (2007-2013) and establish the "ICT for Independent Living and Inclusion" research line with two objectives: "ICT and Ageing" and "Accessible and Inclusive ICT";
•Development of a pan-European public services, with the aid of the large-scale pilots under the ICT Policy Support Programme;
•Implementation of the eInclusion initiative including a proposal on eAccessibility legislation and a Ambient Assisted Living flagship to respond to the challenge of an ageing population.
The main DSAI objective this year is to contribute to the European eInclusion initiative with innovations on ICT-based products and services for people with special needs and promotion of accessible technology.
DSAI 2009 objectives
•Provide a space for debate on new tendencies and software projects for populations with special needs;
•Contribute to the creation of synergies among public and private entities, namely Industry and Universities;
•Contribute to increased awareness on Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion;
•To share experiences and best practices;
•Contribute to the European eInclusion initiative.
Areas of interest
High quality, original submissions on topics relevant to ICT, Ageing and accessibility are invited. This includes the use of technology by and in support of:
•Individuals with hearing, sight and other sensory impairments;
•Individuals with motor impairments;
•Individuals with memory, learning and cognitive impairments;
•Individuals with multiple impairments;
•Senior citizens .
Submissions should present novel ideas, designs, techniques, systems, tools, evaluations, scientific investigations, methodologies, social issues or policy issues relating to:
•Assistive technologies and ICT services that can improve the daily lives of elderly people;
•Accessibility and usability of mainstream technologies;
•Identification of barriers to technology access that are not addressed by existing research;
•Assistive technologies that improve access to mainstream Computer and Information Technologies;
•Innovative use of mainstream technologies for overcoming access barriers.
Fonte: FEUP e DSAI'09
O DSAI 2009 teve como principal objectivo contribuir para as Iniciativas Europeias de e-Inclusão, de modo a promover um amplo debate sobre as novas tendências, novas tecnologias e novos suportes projectados para pessoas com necessidades especiais.
Para além disto, esta Conferência Internacional pretendeu contribuir para a criação de sinergias entre entidades públicas e privadas, nomeadamente entre Universidades e empresas.
O comité científico do DSAI 2009 foi formado por investigadores da Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto e de outras Universidades portuguesas e estrangeiras.

After a successful start with DSAI 2006 and 2007 editions, the International Conference on Software Development for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion (DSAI 2009) will take place in June 2009, at the MSFT - Software para Microcomputadores, Lda. - TAGUSPARK - Lisboa - PORTUGAL. Nowadays, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) play a major role in our lives. However, ICT development which is indifferent to the concerns of social inclusion may raise barriers and increase the gap between the average user and those with special needs, instead of contributing to eliminating this gap and promoting equal rights and opportunities for all. Senior citizens and others with special needs are often faced with multiple minor disabilities that prevent them from enjoying the benefits of technology and higher quality of life standards. According to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, technology design should take into account accessibility and usability features for the protection and promotion of the human rights of persons with disabilities, in all policies and programmes.
Building an inclusive society is a key pillar of the i2010 strategy - a European Information Society for growth and jobs. Among many other measures, i2010 targets a European eInclusion initiative for 2008-2009. To achieve this goal there are some actions running, namely:
•EU's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) for Research and Technological Development will fund research across Europe (2007-2013) and establish the "ICT for Independent Living and Inclusion" research line with two objectives: "ICT and Ageing" and "Accessible and Inclusive ICT";
•Development of a pan-European public services, with the aid of the large-scale pilots under the ICT Policy Support Programme;
•Implementation of the eInclusion initiative including a proposal on eAccessibility legislation and a Ambient Assisted Living flagship to respond to the challenge of an ageing population.
The main DSAI objective this year is to contribute to the European eInclusion initiative with innovations on ICT-based products and services for people with special needs and promotion of accessible technology.
DSAI 2009 objectives
•Provide a space for debate on new tendencies and software projects for populations with special needs;
•Contribute to the creation of synergies among public and private entities, namely Industry and Universities;
•Contribute to increased awareness on Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion;
•To share experiences and best practices;
•Contribute to the European eInclusion initiative.
Areas of interest
High quality, original submissions on topics relevant to ICT, Ageing and accessibility are invited. This includes the use of technology by and in support of:
•Individuals with hearing, sight and other sensory impairments;
•Individuals with motor impairments;
•Individuals with memory, learning and cognitive impairments;
•Individuals with multiple impairments;
•Senior citizens .
Submissions should present novel ideas, designs, techniques, systems, tools, evaluations, scientific investigations, methodologies, social issues or policy issues relating to:
•Assistive technologies and ICT services that can improve the daily lives of elderly people;
•Accessibility and usability of mainstream technologies;
•Identification of barriers to technology access that are not addressed by existing research;
•Assistive technologies that improve access to mainstream Computer and Information Technologies;
•Innovative use of mainstream technologies for overcoming access barriers.
Fonte: FEUP e DSAI'09
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