ICOM Europe, the European regional organization of the International Council of Museums, and the Museum of Europe in Brussels have joined to edit a publication that reflects Europe in selected museum objects.
We would like to encourage curators in Europe to choose objects that they consider relevant for the comprehension of Europe’s diversity, its transnational relationships, its common experiences and future perspectives. With this inclusive format of participation we intend to trigger a debate on the representation of Europe in its museum objects, because
- they reflect hopes and anxieties of every specific historical situation,
- they show the panorama of human creativity despite war and persecution,
- they are witness of the finest examples of human expression, craftsmanship and inventory spirit.
The final selection of the objects to be included in the publication will be made by a joint committee of members of the Board of ICOM Europe and the Museum of Europe including:
Prof. Krzysztof Pomian, Scientific Director of the Museum of Europe
Benoît Remiche, General Secretary of the Museum of Europe
Dr. Isabelle Benoit, Director for International Development, Museum of Europe, and Board Member of ICOM Europe
Dr. Udo Goesswald, Director of Neukoelln Museum, Berlin, and Chair of ICOM Europe
Dr. Damodar Frlan, Director of the Ethnographical Museum of Croatia and Board Member of ICOM Europe
The best contribution will receive a travel grant given by ICOM Europe for the ICOM Europe Tour 2010 in China, which will be organized as a pre-conference tour of the General Conference of ICOM in Shanghai at the beginning of November 2010.